A Vision for Open Hypermedia Systems Nürnberg and Leggett

4. An OHS Reference Architecture Proposal

In Section 2, we outlined what we believe to be the scope of the OHSWG. In Section 3, we provided synopses of and pointers to four scenarios and four implications of these scenarios for OHSWG work. In this section, we describe our reference architecture proposal, based on previous proposals to the group and our analysis. This description is divided into two parts. The first describes each entity of the architecture. Analogs of these entities to parts of OHS systems represented in the OHSWG are provided. The second section describes the protocols needed in such an architecture.

Before we begin the description, here is a diagram providing an overview of the architecture. It is reproduced in each section below.

A reference architecture box diagram
Figure 1. An OHS Reference Architecture Proposal.
All reference architecture figures in this paper, including this one are Netscape client-side imagemaps. Parts of the figures are links to the appropriate sections.


Peter J. Nürnberg, John J. Leggett
HRL, CSDL, Texas A&M
original page URL: http://jodi.ecs.soton.ac.uk/Articles/v01/i02/Nurnberg/refarch.html