A Vision for Open Hypermedia Systems Nürnberg and Leggett

4.2.1 SIM Protocol
The SIM protocol is used by all other entities in the architecture to locate one another. In its simplest form, it must allow processes to publish service identifiers and locations (e.g., TCP ports) at which they receive service requests and to query for these locations. Options for propagation of this information to other SIM's, types of protocols understood at various locations, etc., can also be part of this protocol.

A reference architecture box diagram
Figure 6. SIM Protocol.


Peter J. Nürnberg, John J. Leggett
HRL, CSDL, Texas A&M
original page URL: http://jodi.ecs.soton.ac.uk/Articles/v01/i02/Nurnberg/refarch_proto_sim.html