A Vision for Open Hypermedia Systems Nürnberg and Leggett

5.3.1 Navigation Sproc Interface Definition
This proposal for a navigation Sproc interface is based on the current protocol proposal and critiques and various posts on the OHS mailing list. It is written in the Sproc Interface Format defined in Appendix D. For comparison, the current protocol proposal is rendered in this format in Appendix E.

Since IR and composition structure management has been abstracted into other Sprocs, this navigation specification is less powerful than the current proposal. For example, it is not possible to model Microcosm generic links with this interface. The advantages of this finer-grained approach to service definitions over the current "union of functionality" approach are discussed above. This Sproc is designed to handle the task of navigation between explicit static links.

In general, one change that has been made to nearly all services is that they now concern multiple objects (e.g., the open document service can specify multiple documents). IPC is a very expensive part of any distributed operation, so messages should be combined and sent together whenever it is possible and natural to do so.

Many services can be requested by either the client or the server. When this is true, the message is listed only once, and the different semantics (if any) of the different directions are explained. This is in contrast to the current proposal, in which if there is one conceptual operation that either the client or server may request, two messages are defined.

Targets. There are four classes of entities in this protocol. The "all" class includes messages anyone can send and/or receive. The "server" class is the Sproc. The "browser" class is a client that only browses structures. The "author" class is a client that may modify structures.

TARGET  server
TARGET  browser
TARGET  author

Types. With respect to anchor identifiers, link identifiers, node identifiers, location specifiers, and presentation specifiers, the protocol will treat all of these as opaque byte block identifiers. The type id_t is predefined, and will be used throughout for all identifier types.

Scripts can be defined in various ways, but we propose handling them as NULL-terminated ASCII strings.

TYPE  script_t   ALIAS FOR  NTstring;

We follow the current proposal's definition of an anchor as a binding between a locspec and a document (component) id. We also add attributes for a presentation specification, an (optional) direction, and a boolean indicating whether or not the anchor belongs to a link. Also, some systems (e.g., Chimera and the HOSS LSM) make anchors relative to not only a component and persistent selection, but also an application. Some systems "imply" an application in an anchor through the document type. Provisions for both methods must be made.

   doc_id    : id_t;
   locspec   : id_t;
   direction : NTstring;
   pspec     : id_t;
   in_link   : boolean;
   app_id    : id_t;
   doc_type  : NTstring;

Document services. A Sproc can request a client to open and display a document. This message is known as "LaunchDocument" in the current proposal. Our "LaunchDocument" message makes the following changes. Firstly, the document may be identified by an identifier - some global (possibly non-ASCII) "name". Secondly, the data callback tag is removed. This is conceptually a client/storage engine interaction, even if in practice in some cases, the Sproc may be acting as a Storage Engine as well. Thirdly, since some systems do not launch applications to display destinations based on document type, an application identifier has been added. Finally, we change the name to "OpenDocuments" to imply some relationship to the next message.

Also, there is the notion of a client having independently loaded a document (i.e., not having been requested through an "OpenDocuments" message) and wishing to register this fact with the Sproc. This is analogous to the "CreateNode" in the current proposal. If the browser initiates this sequence, it receives a return code in reply.

SEQUENCE  OpenDocuments  server, browser
   MESSAGE  OpenDocuments  server->browser, browser->server
      num_docs      : cardinal
      doc_ids       : id_1d[num_docs];
      read_onlys    : boolean_1d[num_docs];
      doc_nicknames : NTstring_1d[num_docs];
      app_ids       : id_1d[num_docs];
      doc_types     : NTstring_1d[num_docs];
   MESSAGE  OpenDocumentsRespond  server->browser
      rc : rc_t;

The Sproc can request that a client close a document. This is analogous to the current "CloseNode". The current form of this message includes a flag that optionally indicates to the client that it should flush its copy of the anchor table for this document. However, it seems that there is no other facility for asking the client to flush its anchor table cache. This functionality should be effected in another message.

Also, a client should also be able to unregister a document. This is analogs to the "Closing" message in the current protocol. If the browser initiates this sequence, it receives a return code in reply.

SEQUENCE  CloseDocuments  server, browser
   MESSAGE  CloseDocuments  server->browser, browser->server
      num_docs : cardinal
      doc_ids  : id_1d[num_docs];
   MESSAGE  CloseDocumentsRespond  server->browser
      rc : rc_t;

Display services. A Sproc must be able to request a client to display an anchor. (That is, the client should make the anchor visible on the screen since it is the destination of a newly followed link.) This message is analogous to the current protocol's "DisplayAnchor".

SEQUENCE  DisplayAnchors  server
   MESSAGE  DisplayAnchors  server->browser
      num_ancs : cardinal
      anc_ids  : id_1d[num_ancs];

Anchor services. Sprocs may need to inform clients that anchors have been either created, deleted, or modified in documents managed by the client. Likewise, the client may wish to create, delete, or modify anchors. Basically, these services are implemented with the "RequestService" message of the current protocol. The current protocol's message "UpdateAnchors" is related to the "ModifyAnchors" below. If the author initiates these sequences, the server returns a return code and the anchors (and/or their identifiers) that were successfully created, deleted, or modified. If the author cannot allocate anchor identifiers, this parameter should be left empty. The server will supply anchor identifiers in this case. Either the server or author may request a fresh list of the anchors handled by the other.

SEQUENCE  CreateAnchors  server, author
   MESSAGE  CreateAnchors  server->author, author->server
      num_ancs : cardinal;
      anc_ids  : id_1d[num_ancs];
      ancs     : anc_1d[num_ancs];
   MESSAGE  CreateAnchorsRespond  server->author
      num_ancs : cardinal;
      anc_ids  : id_1d[num_ancs];
      ancs     : anc_1d[num_ancs];
      rc       : rc_t;

SEQUENCE  DeleteAnchors  server, author
   MESSAGE  DeleteAnchors  server->author, author->server
      num_ancs : cardinal;
      anc_ids  : id_1d[num_ancs];
   MESSAGE  DeleteAnchorsRespond  server->author
      num_ancs : cardinal;
      anc_ids  : id_1d[num_ancs];
      rc       : rc_t;

SEQUENCE  ModifyAnchors  server, author
   MESSAGE  ModifyAnchors  server->author, author->server
      num_ancs : cardinal;
      anc_ids  : id_1d[num_ancs];
      ancs     : anc_1d[num_ancs];
   MESSAGE  ModifyAnchorsRespond  server->author
      num_ancs : cardinal;
      anc_ids  : id_1d[num_ancs];
      ancs     : anc_1d[num_ancs];
      rc       : rc_t;

SEQUENCE  GetAnchors  server, author
   MESSAGE  GetAnchors  server->author, author->server
   MESSAGE  GetAnchorsRespond  server->author, author->server
      num_ancs : cardinal;
      anc_ids  : id_1d[num_ancs];
      ancs     : anc_1d[num_ancs];
      rc       : rc_t;

Link services. Sprocs may need to inform clients that links have been either created, deleted, or modified in documents managed by the client. Likewise, the client may wish to follow, create, delete, or modify links. For the following operation, there needs to be an alternate form that indicates to the server that all destinations should be returned directly to the requesting client, regardless of how the destinations would normally be displayed. This is to allow automatic indexers to index an OHSWG structure space. These services are implemented with the "RequestService" message of the current protocol. If the author initiates these sequences, the server returns a return code. Either the server or author may request a fresh list of the links handled by the other.

SEQUENCE  FollowLinks  browser
   MESSAGE  FollowLinks  browser->server
      num_srcs : cardinal
      src_ids  : id_1d[num_ancs];
   MESSAGE  FollowLinksRespond  server->browser
      rc : rc_t;

SEQUENCE  GetDests  browser
   MESSAGE  GetDests  browser->server
      num_srcs : cardinal
      src_ids  : id_1d[num_ancs];
   MESSAGE  GetDestsRespond  server->browser
      num_dests : cardinal;
      dest_ids  : id_1d[num_dests];
      dests     : anc_1d[num_dests];
      rc        : rc_t;

SEQUENCE  CreateLinks  server, author
   MESSAGE  CreateLinks  server->author, author->server
      num_lnks      : cardinal;
      num_to_ancs   : cardinal[num_lnks];
      to_ancs       : id_1d[num_lnks][num_to_ancs()];
      num_from_ancs : cardinal[num_lnks];
      from_ancs     : id_1d[num_lnks][num_to_ancs()];
   MESSAGE  CreateLinksRespond  server->author
      rc : rc_t;

SEQUENCE  DeleteLinks  server, author
   MESSAGE  DeleteLinks  server->author, author->server
      num_lnks      : cardinal;
      num_to_ancs   : cardinal[num_lnks];
      to_ancs       : id_1d[num_lnks][num_to_ancs()];
      num_from_ancs : cardinal[num_lnks];
      from_ancs     : id_1d[num_lnks][num_to_ancs()];
   MESSAGE  DeleteLinksRespond  server->author
      rc : rc_t;

SEQUENCE  AddAnchorsToLinks  server, author
   MESSAGE  AddAnchorsToLinks  server->author, author->server
      num_lnks      : cardinal;
      num_to_ancs   : cardinal[num_lnks];
      to_ancs       : id_1d[num_lnks][num_to_ancs()];
      num_from_ancs : cardinal[num_lnks];
      from_ancs     : id_1d[num_lnks][num_to_ancs()];
   MESSAGE  AddAnchorsToLinksRespond  server->author
      rc : rc_t;

SEQUENCE  RemoveAnchorsFromLinks  server, author
   MESSAGE  RemoveAnchorsFromLinks  server->author, author->server
      num_lnks      : cardinal;
      num_to_ancs   : cardinal[num_lnks];
      to_ancs       : id_1d[num_lnks][num_to_ancs()];
      num_from_ancs : cardinal[num_lnks];
      from_ancs     : id_1d[num_lnks][num_to_ancs()];
   MESSAGE  RemoveAnchorsFromLinksRespond  server->author
      rc : rc_t;

SEQUENCE  GetLinks  server, author
   MESSAGE  GetLinks  server->author, author->server
   MESSAGE  GetLinksRespond  server->author, author->server
      num_lnks      : cardinal;
      num_to_ancs   : cardinal[num_lnks];
      to_ancs       : id_1d[num_lnks][num_to_ancs()];
      num_from_ancs : cardinal[num_lnks];
      from_ancs     : id_1d[num_lnks][num_to_ancs()];

Context services. A client may wish to open, close, create, delete, or modify contexts. These services are implemented with the "RequestService" message of the current protocol. A browser may request the identifiers of all opened and closed contexts. In this case, the browser supplies a list of context ids. The state for these contexts is returned. If the number of contexts in the set the browser initially supplies is negative, the array is ignored, an the state of all contexts is returned.

SEQUENCE  OpenContexts  browser
   MESSAGE  OpenContexts  browser->server
      num_ctxs : cardinal;
      ctx_ids  : id_1d[num_ctxs];
   MESSAGE  OpenContextsRespond  server->browser
      num_ctxs_opened : cardinal;
      opened_ctx_ids  : id_1d[num_ctxs_opened];
      rc              : rc_t;

SEQUENCE  CloseContexts  browser
   MESSAGE  CloseContexts  browser->server
      num_ctxs : cardinal;
      ctx_ids  : id_1d[num_ctxs];
   MESSAGE  CloseContextsRespond  server->browser
      num_ctxs_closed : cardinal;
      closed_ctx_ids  : id_1d[num_ctxs_closed];
      rc              : rc_t;

SEQUENCE  GetContexts  browser
   MESSAGE  GetContexts  browser->server
      num_ctxs : integer;
      ctx_ids  : id_1d[num_ctxs];
   MESSAGE  GetContextsRespond  server->browser
      num_open_ctxs   : cardinal;
      open_ctx_ids    : id_1d[num_open_ctxs];
      num_closed_ctxs : cardinal;
      closed_ctx_ids  : id_1d[num_closed_ctxs];
      rc              : rc_t;

SEQUENCE  CreateContexts  author
   MESSAGE  CreateContexts  author->server
      num_ctxs : cardinal;
      num_lnks : cardinal[num_ctxs];
      lnks     : id_1d[num_ctxs][num_lnks()];
   MESSAGE  CreateContextsRespond  server->author
      rc : rc_t;

SEQUENCE  DeleteContexts  author
   MESSAGE  DeleteContexts  author->server
      num_ctxs : cardinal;
      num_lnks : cardinal[num_ctxs];
      lnks     : id_1d[num_ctxs][num_lnks()];
   MESSAGE  DeleteContextsRespond  server->author
      rc : rc_t;

SEQUENCE  AddLinksToContexts  author
   MESSAGE  AddLinksToContexts  author->server
      num_ctxs : cardinal;
      num_lnks : cardinal[num_ctxs];
      lnks     : id_1d[num_ctxs][num_lnks()];
   MESSAGE  AddLinksToContextsRespond  server->author
      rc : rc_t;

SEQUENCE  RemoveLinksFromContexts  author
   MESSAGE  RemoveLinksFromContexts  author->server
      num_ctxs : cardinal;
      num_lnks : cardinal[num_ctxs];
      lnks     : id_1d[num_ctxs][num_lnks()];
   MESSAGE  RemoveLinksFromContextsRespond  server->author
      rc : rc_t;

Computation services. This message models client and server side computation. It is analogous to the "Interpret" message of the current protocol. Instead of the ability only to send scripts, a "program identifier" can also be sent, indicating that the recipient of the message should retrieve the program from the appropriate storage engine and execute it.

SEQUENCE  Execute  all
   MESSAGE  Execute  all->all
      pgm_id   : id_t;
      script   : script_t;
      lang     : NTstring;
      num_tags : cardinal;
      tags     : NTstring_1d[num_tags];
      tag_vals : NTstring_1d[num_tags];
   MESSAGE  ExecuteRespond  all->all
      rc : rc_t;

Bidirectional "services". For completeness, and to address the bi-directional messages in the current proposal, these messages are included. However, because they are so general, the group should decide if they are necessary, or if these cases can better be handled otherwise (e.g., return codes for the "Error" message and new Sproc definitions for the "Other" message).

SEQUENCE  Error  all
   MESSAGE  Error  all->all
      error_name : NTstring;
      error_text : NTstring;
      num_tags   : cardinal;
      tags       : NTstring_1d[num_tags];
      tag_vals   : NTstring_1d[num_tags];

SEQUENCE  Other  all
   MESSAGE  Other  all->all
      num_tags : cardinal;
      tags     : NTstring_1d[num_tags];
      tag_vals : NTstring_1d[num_tags];


Peter J. Nürnberg, John J. Leggett
HRL, CSDL, Texas A&M
original page URL: http://jodi.ecs.soton.ac.uk/Articles/v01/i02/Nurnberg/proto_spec_nav.html